


2×2 ft. Drop-In Ceiling Speaker Pair

. One-piece assembly in 2 ft. × 2 ft. ceilings saves intallation time, effort, and cost

. Tile support rail for 2 ft. × 4 ft. ceilings included

. Perforated grill over entire front

. 8” cone speaker with 10 oz. magnet,and 25/70V tansformer

. Five power taps (5, 2.5, 1, 0.5, 0.25 watt taps) selected by rotary switch

It directly replaces standard 2 ft. × 2 ft. ceiling tiles for “no cut” mounting, and includes a support rail for use in 2 ft. × 4 ft. tile applications.

升降机出租 升降台租赁 上海超声波焊接机 上海展厅设计 天然气发电机组